Premiamo la parità


Brief. Create a 30” tv commercial to make the audience aware of modern gender stereotypes.


Insight. Building a successful career is a rising path for everyone. Even though men and women can have the same aims, women face an unfairly harder time in this situation. Pay gaps and lower job positions are just the tip of the iceberg.


Idea. Skills don’t belong to a specific gender. Men and women should always have the same chances to show their abilities at their best. The diverging-directions escalators become a metaphor for this condition, which society can still stop by finally deciding to reward equality.

Campaign title’s translation: 1) In the business world, women are forced to greater effort; 2) “Premiamo” (in Italian, the verb “premiamo” means both to push and to recognize/reward) the equality.

We realised this booklet to describe the copy strategy and show all the steps taken to create the commercial (data analysis, competitor research, insight definition, etc).

Premiamo la parità commercial has won the first prize in video category in “On the move 2014” contest, promoted by Pubblicità Progresso, the most important institution for social communication in Italy.

Creative Team Toolkit by

Angela Cannavò and Nadia Conti.