MUBI Time Generator

Advertising stunt

Brief. People waste almost 5 days per year trying to pick a movie to watch.


Insight. There are tons of hobbies we give up on just because we don’t have time.


Idea. Show what you could be doing with the time MUBI will make you save.

The commercial

By partnering with other institutions/brands on the Time Generator, MUBI can grow relevance and be regarded as a lighthouse for cultural events and trends. Tate Galleries, Waitrose Cookery School, Pure Gym Yoga...just  a few examples to start with. These collaborations could attract different kinds of audience, displaying cinematographic education as lively part of the user’s cultural life.

On the platform

MUBI’s Time Generator will meet its users’ diverse cultural interests, becoming the major promoter of them all. MUBI will be seen as a culture catalyst with the cinematographic art at its core.

The Time Generator could also become a self-tracking platform, where subscribers will be able to see how much time they could still save and which activities are missing from their list. It would be easy to notice when the subscription is about to expire, since every slot of time will be set on the kind of subscription they have. The longer the subscription, the more time they could save.

The posters

These two posters are part of the campaign’s offline activation.


The body-copy says: Enjoy your life without giving up on great cinema. Visit us at

Creative Team Toolkit by

Angela Cannavò and Nadia Conti.